Selling Mindfully in Today's World
To be successful, and happy, it is no longer enough to have good sales skills, knowledge or techniques. Salespeople need to live and sell mindfully, because people are looking for real connectedness, creativity, care and trust to make a decision. Mindfulness sales training brings these to the fore.

Founded in 1994, and headquartered in New York City, IPG provides sales consulting, development and training to companies in the US and around the world.
We help companies and individuals exceed sales goals through sales consulting, training and leadership training.
early adaptori integrating into SF.com
self-paced, autonomous learning before others
IPG has trained more than 20,000 people in 28 countries. We have helped multinational and national organizations, as well as many excellent companies in the SMB space.
Some of our clients are:
From preparing your day, to and through the end all of your sales activity, you will be touched by, informed by, and practice selling more mindfully.
Via an abundance of discussion, practice and role playing, you and/or your team will integrate the key qualities of mindfulness into your approach, which will help differentiate yourself, and have an immediate and positive impact on your sales.
Mindful Coaching
Mindful Coaching, via discussion and lots of role playing, is a process that focuses on the here and now, and immed-iately impacts your current and future sales.
Your 1:1 coaching will strengthen your commitment to be more present, and accelerate mindfulness and the benefits into your sales practice.
You and/or your team will be different, more authentic than your competition, and customers will want more of what you are selling.
Guest Speaking
Jonathan has been a guest speaker for over 20 years, enchanting large and small audiences with his insights, humor and ability to engage attendees.
Jonathan's speaking is not only motivating, but offers tangible skills and knowledge people can use afterwards.
Cisco, BT, IBI, Polycom, Mitel, mIQ and many more have walked away feeling inspired and empowered to make a change.

About Jonathan London
Jonathan has trained and coached over 20,000 people worldwide. He has written 2 books on selling, and his 3rd "Selling Mindfully" is to be published in 2025. He has trained some of the best known companies in the world, and some of the best companies you may have never heard of.
He has had a mindfulness/meditation practice since he was in college.
Selling Mindfully workshops and coaching brings all of this experience together to make you the best, most successful, and happiest salesperson you can be.
He is the father of two beautiful daughters, has two wonderful grandchildren, is the youngest of 4 siblings, is a good friend, partner and owner of his dog Maia.
He hopes that all of our mindful selling practices will contribute to the health and betterment of our world.

An excerpt from Jonathan London's Upcoming Book
"Selling Mindfully"
The goal of this program is to offer you a more mindful selling approach to exceed your sales goals. You will be more at ease and less stressed. Mindfully selling will foster empathy, creativity, inclusiveness, and care into your approach. Everyone wins. The clients have a better experience and you sell more.
Current times are showing us that all our lives are intertwined. From the postman, grocery clerk, individual to the first responders. From politicians and their electorate. From the salesperson to the customer. We are all, in some way, dependent and inter-dependent on each other.
People’s best and most noble qualities have risen during these times. Through the calamity and unknown, acts of kindness, charity, creativity, sharing and aiding others worldwide have been renewed.
Rather than just defining your role as making your sales targets and making money (which this program will help), we can now choose to be more mindful, kinder, more caring and empathetic in our sales approach.
This program goes deeper than the common understanding and important benefits of mindfulness (i.e. being relaxed and calm). “Selling Mindfully” discusses and integrates the wonderful qualities and attributes that lie beneath this into your daily sales approach, which will make you better people and better salespeople. A salesperson who is more sensitive to the sales environment and prospect will sell more effectively and have a richer life.